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We seek to invest in the transition of the existing blue economy to an improved system that supports positive climate outcomes and market-rate financial returns.

Despite the global influence that oceans have on all major economies and industries, they have been an area of underinvestment. But the paradigm is changing. 

Our Approach

Blue Foods

Resource scarcity, warming seas and a growing population and middle class will continue to drive demand for sustainable seafood and alternative choices while ensuring a vibrant and sustainable wild ocean ecosystem.

Blue Biotech and Materials

We have discovered only a fraction of the materials and molecules in the ocean with transformative potential for human and planetary health. Sustainable exploration and harvesting of ocean materials is an opportunity space with exponential potential.

Ocean Intelligence

Advancements in digital, data-driven technologies are enabling the transformation of the existing blue economy. Examples of enabling technologies include earth observation, software, sensing, data integration and predictive analytics.


Industry and government efforts to decarbonize the global economy will have a profound effect on intensive industries that operate on the ocean as well as the ocean itself as the largest carbon sink.

We believe that the oceans sector is in the renaissance period of innovation, presenting extensive investable opportunities that have the potential to drive outsized change across the interconnected global economy.


Examples include:


Heidi Kuehnle, Co-Founder, President, and CTO of Kuehnle AgroSystems (KAS), dives into the many potential advantages of the company's natural, sustainable algae-derived astaxanthin versus conventional sources.


Ravi Pappu, CEO of Apeiron Labs, addresses the environmental importance of obtaining upper ocean data, what excites him about ocean exploration, and his company's goal to establish a global network of subsurface devices and create data-as-a-service platform for the oceans.


Monica Talbert, Co-Founder and CEO of The Plant Based Seafood Company, makers of Mind Blown alternative seafood products, talks about the company's passion for seafood and to alleviate the present-day burden off of our oceans.

Hear from our portfolio company leaders, who are scaling climate solutions and igniting system-wide change across the global economy.

Company Stories

S2G's Kate Danaher and Larsen Mettler outline the critical issues and the market opportunities for investing in the ocean and four core themes that we believe will drive funding for the blue economy.



Lloyd's List

Shipowners and operators can use more accurate data from special platforms, such as Sofar Ocean’s, to make decisions and develop their energy transition strategies.



Brilliant Planet Co-Founder Raffael Jovine is leveraging his expertise in the biology of algae to help save our biosphere.


Matter News

The certification solidifies the business’ mission to create a positive impact and prevent microplastics from entering our natural environment.


Latest News

Managing Director, Oceans

Managing Director, Oceans

Vice President, Oceans

The team is known for being one of the first in the market and is intently focused on constructing a diversified portfolio with a balanced sector concentration and strong international presence.


* Builders Vision Impact Report, as of 10/17/2023

Interested in learning more about how we're investing in our sectors of focus?

Outcomes to Date


gallons of water treated daily by Moleaer *


In annual savings from wasted feed avoided by ReelData (per 10,000 MT)*


tons of microplastic diverted from the oceans by Matter filters*

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