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S2G Summit: Insights on Financing the Transition

The theme of the 2024 S2G Summit was Financing the Transition: From Innovation to Scale, and we offer key takeaways from our guest speakers.



Redefining Our Water Future: Digging into Agricultural Water Use

As part of our series, Redefining Our Water Future, we look at the technologies and practices farmers implement to reduce water use.


Redefining Our Water Future: Why Water?

In Part 1 of our series on water, we look at the causes for and implications of water scarcity today, such as with agriculture and energy.


The Fertilizer Dilemma: Solutions from Precision Ag to Alternative Nutrient Sources

We explore technologies and farming systems enabling farmers to use less synthetic fertilizer while maintaining yields.


The Fertilizer Dilemma: The Farmer’s Perspective

With fertilizer prices at an all-time high, farmers are feeling pressure and uncertainty and adapting their farming systems in response.


The Fertilizer Dilemma: Broken Supply Chains and Environmental Impacts

A convergence of supply and demand shocks and environmental concerns, in our view, have made fertilizer applications problematic.


Ask Us Anything: Special Opportunities Strategy with Andrea Woodside

Andrea Woodside, Vice President of Special Opportunities, unpacks S2G's Special Opportunities investment thesis and areas of focus.

This content is for informational purposes only, should not be taken as legal, business, tax or investment advice, or be used to evaluate any investment or security, and is not directed at any investor or potential investor in any investment vehicle sponsored by S2G Investments, LLC or its affiliates (“S2G Ventures”). Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of S2G Ventures. Specific companies are mentioned herein solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular company or investment. Please note that S2G Ventures may maintain investments in the companies mentioned herein.

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