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S2G Summit: Insights on Financing the Transition

The theme of the 2024 S2G Summit was Financing the Transition: From Innovation to Scale, and we offer key takeaways from our guest speakers.



Financing Pathways for Climate Tech: The Role of Alternative Financing

In Part 2 of our Financing Pathways series, we examine when companies should look into non-dilutive capital, such as with climate tech.


Investing and Innovating in an Age of Black Swans

S2G's Chuck Templeton shares how businesses can minimize vulnerability to black swan events and his optimism for today's entrepreneurs.


Financing Pathways for Climate Tech: Looking Beyond Corporate Equity

As an alternative to equity financing, “non-dilutive” capital, in our view, provides financing without reducing equity ownership.


Pervasive and Persistent Ocean Data with Apeiron Labs

We're excited to invest in Apeiron Labs, which is helping transform our understanding of the state of our oceans with upper ocean data.


Welcome mend: Improving Patient Health in an Overburdened System

We're thrilled to invest in mend, as it enhances health outcomes and lowers cost burdens through nutrition solutions and a digital platform.


Welcome Circulus: Don’t Give Up on Recycling Just Yet

We’re excited to invest in Circulus, which is helping transform post-consumer plastics into high-quality resins for multiple applications.


Impact Management for Business Growth

Our IMM practices deliver information S2G and our portfolio use to make strategic decisions creating positive impact for people and planet.


Introducing S2G’s Special Opportunities Strategy: Creative Financing Solutions for Climate Tech

We are excited to offer tailored and creative financing solutions to help meet the unique needs of climate tech companies as they scale.


Welcome Tado: Turning Up the Dial on Home Energy Savings

We are excited to announce our investment in tado°, which brings intelligent, energy-efficient home climate comfort to its customers.


Redefining Our Water Future: Dealing with Drought in the Central Valley

As part of our series, Redefining Our Water Future, we look at how one long-term family-run business is adapting to drought at their farm.

This content is for informational purposes only, should not be taken as legal, business, tax or investment advice, or be used to evaluate any investment or security, and is not directed at any investor or potential investor in any investment vehicle sponsored by S2G Investments, LLC or its affiliates (“S2G Ventures”). Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of S2G Ventures. Specific companies are mentioned herein solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular company or investment. Please note that S2G Ventures may maintain investments in the companies mentioned herein.

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