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S2G Summit: Insights on Financing the Transition

The theme of the 2024 S2G Summit was Financing the Transition: From Innovation to Scale, and we offer key takeaways from our guest speakers.



Reflections on 2023 Food and Agriculture Supply Chain Trends

In Part 2 of this series, we examine how our 2023 food and agriculture supply chain trends held up over the past year.  


Welcome 38 Degrees North: Pioneers in Distributed Renewables and Community Solar

S2G is excited to welcome 38 Degrees North, which is advancing distributed renewables solutions and relationships with development partners.


Reflections on 2023 AgTech Trends

In Part 1 of this series, we explore how the trends around farmers scaling climate-smart agricultural practices fared in 2023. 


GreenLight’s EPA Approval a Major Milestone in Evolution of Crop Protection

GreenLight Biosciences has secured the first-ever EPA registration, Calantha, a novel RNA-based foliar applied crop protection solution.


Saving Seats at Proverbial Table: A Call to Bring More Farmers, Ranchers into Climate Conversations

We believe farmers need to be fully included in the decision-making processes to meet today's climate and agricultural challenges.


Key Points on Agtech Innovation from Sanjeev Krishnan’s Testimony Before U.S. Senate

S2G's Sanjeev Krishnan spoke before the U.S. Senate Ag Committee to address the potential benefits of technology and AI in agriculture.


Breaking Down Biologicals: A Look at the Definitions, Markets, and Barriers to Adoption

In our first installment of our biologicals series, we lay the groundwork by looking at what biologicals are and how they are used today.


Combating Disease in Aquaculture with ViAqua

We are excited to partner with ViAqua to transform aquaculture disease management and contribute to a more sustainable aquaculture sector.


Welcome TechMet: Building the Critical Metals Supply Chain for the Energy Transition

We are thrilled to invest in TechMet, as it builds a platform to produce, manufacture and recycle critical metals for the energy transition.


Financing Pathways for Climate Tech: The Role of Alternative Financing

In Part 2 of our Financing Pathways series, we examine when companies should look into non-dilutive capital, such as with climate tech.

This content is for informational purposes only, should not be taken as legal, business, tax or investment advice, or be used to evaluate any investment or security, and is not directed at any investor or potential investor in any investment vehicle sponsored by S2G Investments, LLC or its affiliates (“S2G Ventures”). Investing involves risk, including the risk of loss. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of S2G Ventures. Specific companies are mentioned herein solely for educational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular company or investment. Please note that S2G Ventures may maintain investments in the companies mentioned herein.

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